Lead Service Line Inventory

USEPA mandated all public water systems to compile an inventory of all water services in their system and attempt to identify the service line material on both the customer side and the water system side to identify lead service lines.  As part of this mandate we were required to send notices to all customers that either had lead service lines, galvanized service lines that were connected to lead, or unknown service materials.  We used service records, construction records, and visual inspection to identify service line material for as many services as possible before the October 16, 2024 deadline.  If you received a notice we did not have sufficient data to classify your service line, and the notice contains required language from USEPA.  We will continue to identify the unknown service materials, and so far we have not found any lead service lines. 

You can help us identify the unknowns by sending us a picture of your water service line where it enters you home and your physical address to AMWDCustomerService@mainerwa.org or you can request a site visit using the same email address or calling 207-424-3288 to make an appointment for one of our field staff to identify your service material.

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